Repair by Replacement of all HVAC Bld 334 Patton Hall Army Reserve Bell, CA
Client: US Army Reserve
Location: Building 334 Patton Hall, USARC Bell, CA
Prime Contractor: Gideon Contracting
Budget Cost: $730,000
Completed: April 2017
HVAC Overview: This building HVAC modernization project was a complete design-build to demo and remove 3-large 40 Ton Rooftop units, Boiler system and all VAV Zone boxes from the building, and then convert this 2-story 50,000 square foot facility to a Mitsubishi City Multi VRF System for the entire building. Installed 10-Rooftop R2 Series Mitsubishi VRF Heat Pump Condensing Units, 9-Branch Controllers, 34-Fan Coil Units, 2-independant Mitsubishi Computer Room Units, all new sheet metal ducting and air distribution, over 1,900 linear feet of new copper piping, all new Mitsubishi controls with a AE200 Front End Touch Screen Controller to centrally control all Mitsubishi Equipment. This project took 9-months to complete.